Monday, November 24, 2008

Haunted Schools

Nearly every school has a legend of being haunted, but if you think about it, a school being haunted is not really that unusual. After all, generations of kids attend school within the same building, and no doubt at least a few of these children would have met with tragedy. Considering this, it probably would not be all that unusual for there to be many haunted schools.
Even colleges and dorms seem to have their share of ghosts, like the University of Nevada in Reno where a young man hung himself because of his grades. It is said that he still walks this college campus on dark and stormy nights.
Another college in Florida has a resident ghost of a murdered coed who continually lets others know she is still living in her old dorm.
A haunted high school in Eugene Oregon also has a resident ghost of a young man who fell to his death in the auditorium, where he remains to this day.
These are only a few of the legends of haunted schools, I am sure there are many; in fact you would probably be hard pressed to find a town or city that doesn’t have its share of haunted schools.