Thursday, July 10, 2008

Do We Survive Death?

There are few religions or cultures in the world that do not believe in some form of life after death. The belief that we survive after death has been around almost as long as mankind has been around.
The one thing I have always found very puzzling with today’s attitude about ghosts is, how the majority of society can believe in the continued existence of consciousness after death, but still not believe in ghosts? If our conciseness survives death, then it must take some form. Logic would clue us in that that form is what is commonly known as a “ghost” It really is impossible for one to be real, with out considering the other.
Simply because of its nature, there is not a great deal of scientific fact to back up life after death, but still many people have incorporated this into their belief system. This is especially true of Christians and other religions that teach that there is a way to survive death.
Aside from the numerous stories of near death experiences, there are always ghosts to help back up the theory of surviving death.
The fact is, not only have I witnessed a ghost myself, but there are simply way too many reports of people seeing, or experiencing ghost activity for there not to be substance to this. This is not to say that everyone who says or thinks they have saw a ghost, actually has, but there are probably many who have had an authentic ghost experience.
So what is a ghost? After years of research I have come to the conclusion that one possibility is that it is the form that our spirit takes on after death. I think it is a good likelihood that we continue to exist on another plane or dimension, which is invisible to those who are living. In essence, we do not die, but simply step through the door to another dimension where life could be something like what we know now.
This is just one of many possibilities, but definitely something worth thinking about.