Thursday, July 31, 2008

Demon Infestation: How to Determine if a Ghost, is Actually a Demon

If you have ever seen the movie, The Exorcist, you may recall that when the disturbances first began, they were little more than a few bumps in the attic, and the odd behavior of the child. It is for this reason that paranormal activity can often be frightening. The paranormal resides in to the realm of the unknown, whether the root of the problem be a ghost, or a demon.
Often a demon infestation can begin just as ghost activity would. You may see movement out of the corner of your eye, have a feeling of uneasiness, or possibly hear noises that couldn’t be coming from a natural source.
A demonic infestation will usually follow a certain pattern, and in nearly every documented case, the door to demon infestation was opened either intentionally, or unintentionally, through the use of Ouiji boards, séances or some other type of conjuring. Though only a very small percentage of people playing with the supernatural, actually suffer these types of consequences, the danger is there, and real.
The first stage of a demon infestation involves such typical ghost activity as cold spots, strange odors, as well as knocking in the walls, and other types of noises.
During the next stage, the entity may become more violent in nature; objects may levitate, or disappear altogether, damage may be done to the house or personal items, and there may actually be attacks on those living in the house.
After a period of wearing down those in the home, the demon will eventually attempt to possess someone, and the possession does not have to be on a continual basis, and usually happens intermittently. Demon possession is dangerous and should dealt with as soon as possible by a professional exorcist.
Most exorcists, especially priests of the Roman Catholic Church, have a strict guideline that must be followed before permission is granted for an exorcism. The possessed person must first have a thorough psychological, and physical examination in order to rule out physical or mental illness. Additionally, they must show knowledge of things they could not possibly have access to, and be speaking in languages they did not know previously. There are other rules involved, but these are the basics. Permission for an exorcism is only granted in a very small percentage of cases.
To keep yourself safe from the danger of demon infestation, it is best to not attempt any type of communication with the dead unless you are very experienced in this type of phenomena.

Monday, July 28, 2008


EVP, also known as Electronic Voice Phenomena is one of the most fascinating areas of the paranormal I have yet to come across. It is theorized that the voices of spirits can be recorded when they interrupt an Electro Magnetic Field, (E.M.F's). Recordings can pick up these voices, but they are inaudible to the human ear.
Though there are times in which the human ear can hear the voices when they are recorded, most of the time, those who are doing the recording can hear nothing until they play it back.
Many EVP recordings are hard to make out and may be drowned out by static. Though you can hear some type of voice, you can’t really be sure, nor understand what the voice is saying. Other recordings are extremely clear, and sometimes eerie.
One strange thing about these recordings is that many of them appear to be stuck in a certain time period, as if they are still living in the time in which they were alive and don’t understand that they are dead. This is sometimes obvious by what the voices are saying. You may have one that says something about having to keep an eye out for his horse.
At other times, it appears that by what they say that they do know that they are dead, and seem to be somewhat lost, or frustrated by their attempt to communicate with the living.
Most researchers believe that you can pick up EVP in nearly every location, but places noted for paranormal phenomena do tend to be hot spots for EVP.
I have to admit that when I first heard of this phenomenon, I was a little skeptical about it. So after researching how to record EVP, I did try it myself and was amazed at what came out on the recording. I used my computer to record it, and though I got a lot of fuzzy white noise and inaudible voices, I was able to come up with a couple of clear voices. I did this when nobody was in the house, and it was late at night to ensure that no noise from outside would interfere.
I will be posting a couple of these recordings to show you what I came up with.
After experiencing this myself, I no longer doubt that this is possible; I am just not quite sure what the source is. There is some speculation that it is airwaves being picked up, but in some cases there appears to be real interaction between the investigator and the voice being recorded. Such as in the one I will post, I asked what the person’s name was.
In any case, no matter what is behind EVP, it is very interesting.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

The Ghosts of Hampton Court Palace

An imposing structure of over a thousand rooms, Hampton Court Palace has been the home to many royals over the years. Its walls have seen their share of tragedy and bloodshed, Catherine Howard, an unfortunate wife of King Henry VIII was kept prisoner at Hampton Court until she was beheaded for adultery. Many believe her ghost still roams the halls, looking for her husband so that she can plead for her life one last time.
This ancient castle is considered to be one of the most haunted places in England. Commonly reported disturbances include misty apparitions in the old Tudor kitchen, as well as another ghost that tends to frequent the nearby wine cellars.
The royal gallery is where the ghost of Catherine Howard is said to lurk. There have been reports of visitors being hit and touched while in the gallery.
Jane Seymore; another wife of Henry the VIII died while giving birth to the future Edward VI. There have been reports that Jane is seen in the Silver Stick Gallery on Edward VI’s birthday.
These are only a few of the ghost stories associated with the beautifully eerie, Hampton Court Palace. There are dozens of ghosts that are said to inhabit the old castle, which is not really very surprising, considering its age, and the many sorrows and joys experienced behind its walls.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Are There Ghosts in Your House?

You are home alone in a dark and quiet house; suddenly there is a banging sound coming from the basement. Reluctantly you descend the basement stairs to find out what is making all the racket, but can find no cause. You go back upstairs and as soon as you step out of the basement, you are assaulted by a strong odor; and again you can’t find the source. Maybe you have a ghost.
It is not always easy to tell if you have a ghost in your house, or if you are simply experiencing a series of coincidences, or an overactive imagination. Here is some information to help you determine if your house may actually be haunted.
When you experience something that you feel is strange, always look for a natural and practical explanation for the experience. For example, you may find that your lights are flickering continually, or maybe only once in a while, but to be sure that it isn’t just problems with wiring, you would need to call an electrician to check the wiring and fixtures.
You could also find a natural explanation for noises and odors. Sound can travel easily, so be sure that the sounds you are hearing are not coming from outside, or some other source, and eliminate any possible contributor that may be responsible for any odors.
Only after you have completely eliminated a natural explanation for the experiences, can you consider that they may be supernatural in nature. If this is the case, don’t worry; having a ghost in residence usually isn’t anything that is of great concern, though it can sure scare the pants off of you.
Contact an investigator to do a complete investigation on your house, and possibly the home’s history. They may be able to either confirm a haunting, or eliminate the problem being paranormal in nature.
Don’t be too surprised if all the investigator can do is confirm a haunting. Not always can a paranormal investigator actually rid a property of ghosts. If there is an entity, they will only leave if that is what they choose to do.
In most cases, ghosts are not dangerous, other than frightening everyone. What you have to think about is that human ghosts would probably have the same traits and personality as they did in life. If they were not evil in life, they will likely not be evil in death either. Now you may have to worry if you come across the ghost of a mass murderer, but I believe this would be very rare, and even if it were to happen, the ghost would have to be strong enough to actually harm you.
For those rare cases in which the entity you are dealing with is a non-human spirit, or what is known as a parasite or demon, you may be in a little more danger. In this case an exorcist may be brought in. Though it may not be obvious at first, there are some differences between ghosts and demons. Demons, or parasites will feed off of negative energy, so the more frightened you are, the better. They will do what is in their power to cause you fear, frustration and anger. They will also attack you physically, so if you are finding you are being scratched, hit and bruised by some unseen force, this is a good indication that you are not being haunted by a ghost.
Another difference tends to be the intensity of the activity. A ghost may rarely levitate something, but they are usually very subtle, and most often their activity remains harmless, such as knocks on the walls, slamming doors, lights turning on and off by themselves, voices, etc.
A demon on the other hand starts out small, with voices and other noises, and then progresses. If they levitate something, it may be something as large as a table, or even a refrigerator. Ghosts really don’t do this.
If you feel you are being haunted, this information should help you to discover the source of your haunting.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Zombies: What If?

For most of my life I have been terrorized by nightmares about zombies, yet in my waking hours I know of all the anomalies I discuss here, this is most certainly the least likely scenario that any of us are apt to face.
So why the nightmares about zombies? I don’t particularly like zombie movies, (probably the result of years of horrible zombie nightmares) and don’t watch them very often, and usually when I do have a nightmare like this, I haven’t even watched one of those movies in ages.
I don’t really have an answer for this, but it often gets me wondering “What If”
The only way a zombie epidemic could even remotely be conceivable as a possibility, is through some type of virus that affects the brain function, such as in the film 28 Days Later.
If you stop and think about it, the “What If” may not seem so outlandish when you consider the many new strains of viruses that are constantly terrorizing the human population, such as the Bird Flu. In addition to this, there is always biological warfare; do we really know what types of biological weapons the governments of the world are developing? What if there was an accident of some sort?
If you let your imagination wander, the idea can become very scary. Ghosts, Demons, Aliens, I am not sure any of these are quite as chilling as the idea of zombies roaming the earth, waiting to devour the living.
So the what if question again; what if it were to happen? What would you do, and how would you survive?
Here is some highly recommended reading materials to help you answer these questions.
The Zombie Survival Guide: Complete Protection from the Living Dead by Max Brooks
This book can help you stay alive if the unthinkable should ever happen.
Another interesting book from the best selling Zombie expert, Max Brooks is The Zombie Survival Guide: Recorded Attacks.
If nothing else, the books could give you a sense of security, and if you also suffer from nightmares, maybe they will no longer bother you.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Do We Survive Death?

There are few religions or cultures in the world that do not believe in some form of life after death. The belief that we survive after death has been around almost as long as mankind has been around.
The one thing I have always found very puzzling with today’s attitude about ghosts is, how the majority of society can believe in the continued existence of consciousness after death, but still not believe in ghosts? If our conciseness survives death, then it must take some form. Logic would clue us in that that form is what is commonly known as a “ghost” It really is impossible for one to be real, with out considering the other.
Simply because of its nature, there is not a great deal of scientific fact to back up life after death, but still many people have incorporated this into their belief system. This is especially true of Christians and other religions that teach that there is a way to survive death.
Aside from the numerous stories of near death experiences, there are always ghosts to help back up the theory of surviving death.
The fact is, not only have I witnessed a ghost myself, but there are simply way too many reports of people seeing, or experiencing ghost activity for there not to be substance to this. This is not to say that everyone who says or thinks they have saw a ghost, actually has, but there are probably many who have had an authentic ghost experience.
So what is a ghost? After years of research I have come to the conclusion that one possibility is that it is the form that our spirit takes on after death. I think it is a good likelihood that we continue to exist on another plane or dimension, which is invisible to those who are living. In essence, we do not die, but simply step through the door to another dimension where life could be something like what we know now.
This is just one of many possibilities, but definitely something worth thinking about.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Paranormal Investigators

If you have ever experienced unexplainable phenomena that simply wouldn’t quit, you may have considered contacting a group of paranormal investigators at some point. There are a couple of different types of paranormal investigators, those with a formal education and a scientific background, and those who can be classified as ghost hunters. Both types of investigators have their pros and cons.
Paranormal investigators are fairly rigorous about documenting and measuring paranormal activity, but they do have a tendency to be somewhat critical, and closed-minded at times.
The ghost hunter is more open to possibilities, but may not have the expertise and equipment necessary for a thorough scientific investigation. In recent years ghost hunters have come a long ways in conducting their investigations in a more professional manner, and some may even approach their investigations with the same scientific attitude as the paranormal investigators.
If you are experiencing an excessive amount of paranormal activity that don’t seem to be letting up, both the paranormal investigator, and the ghost hunter may be able to help with your problem, though it is advisable that you do some research on the investigators before you call them to come to your house.
A paranormal investigator may be able to determine if what you are experiencing is actually paranormal in nature, or if there is some other type of explanation for the activity. They often determine if the cause could be paranormal by screening those who are experiencing the problems, as well as by investigating the area in which the paranormal activity is occurring.
In most cases, paranormal investigators will not have the ability to rid your house of the activity, but they can help you to better understand the phenomena, and therefore help to limit the disruptions caused by the activity.
If you can’t find any other explanation for the paranormal activity you are experiencing, it couldn’t hurt to think about calling in some professional paranormal investigators.