Monday, July 21, 2008

Are There Ghosts in Your House?

You are home alone in a dark and quiet house; suddenly there is a banging sound coming from the basement. Reluctantly you descend the basement stairs to find out what is making all the racket, but can find no cause. You go back upstairs and as soon as you step out of the basement, you are assaulted by a strong odor; and again you can’t find the source. Maybe you have a ghost.
It is not always easy to tell if you have a ghost in your house, or if you are simply experiencing a series of coincidences, or an overactive imagination. Here is some information to help you determine if your house may actually be haunted.
When you experience something that you feel is strange, always look for a natural and practical explanation for the experience. For example, you may find that your lights are flickering continually, or maybe only once in a while, but to be sure that it isn’t just problems with wiring, you would need to call an electrician to check the wiring and fixtures.
You could also find a natural explanation for noises and odors. Sound can travel easily, so be sure that the sounds you are hearing are not coming from outside, or some other source, and eliminate any possible contributor that may be responsible for any odors.
Only after you have completely eliminated a natural explanation for the experiences, can you consider that they may be supernatural in nature. If this is the case, don’t worry; having a ghost in residence usually isn’t anything that is of great concern, though it can sure scare the pants off of you.
Contact an investigator to do a complete investigation on your house, and possibly the home’s history. They may be able to either confirm a haunting, or eliminate the problem being paranormal in nature.
Don’t be too surprised if all the investigator can do is confirm a haunting. Not always can a paranormal investigator actually rid a property of ghosts. If there is an entity, they will only leave if that is what they choose to do.
In most cases, ghosts are not dangerous, other than frightening everyone. What you have to think about is that human ghosts would probably have the same traits and personality as they did in life. If they were not evil in life, they will likely not be evil in death either. Now you may have to worry if you come across the ghost of a mass murderer, but I believe this would be very rare, and even if it were to happen, the ghost would have to be strong enough to actually harm you.
For those rare cases in which the entity you are dealing with is a non-human spirit, or what is known as a parasite or demon, you may be in a little more danger. In this case an exorcist may be brought in. Though it may not be obvious at first, there are some differences between ghosts and demons. Demons, or parasites will feed off of negative energy, so the more frightened you are, the better. They will do what is in their power to cause you fear, frustration and anger. They will also attack you physically, so if you are finding you are being scratched, hit and bruised by some unseen force, this is a good indication that you are not being haunted by a ghost.
Another difference tends to be the intensity of the activity. A ghost may rarely levitate something, but they are usually very subtle, and most often their activity remains harmless, such as knocks on the walls, slamming doors, lights turning on and off by themselves, voices, etc.
A demon on the other hand starts out small, with voices and other noises, and then progresses. If they levitate something, it may be something as large as a table, or even a refrigerator. Ghosts really don’t do this.
If you feel you are being haunted, this information should help you to discover the source of your haunting.